Switchboard Relocation - Inner West
The bad weather in Sydney took its toll on Chris' mum's switchboard. Water got into the meter and blew up a portion on the switchboard and the meter! Torrential rain poured down into the old timber enclosure outside the front door.
Switchboard relocation - side of the house
We had an electrical emergency call from Chris, one of our existing fantastic clients who called in a panic to say that his mother heard a loud bang from outside, then lost all electricity in the home. We dropped what we were doing and rushed out there.
From the big burn mark, it was obvious the board had blown up, we engaged our Level 2 electrician to get out to Balmain to see if he could assist, he and he got it going temporarily for the day.
The next day, we got in place a new meter box panel on the sidewall and built the new switchboard ready for relocation. The new switchboard had all new safety switches on each circuit, something the old board was also missing.
We got Georgina's switchboard moved and powered up within the day so it was all fully functional with new upgraded the consumer mains and earth electrode installed as there was no evidence that there was an existing one - not uncommon, but very worrying!
Ausgrid came out and had to arrange a new meter via the provider (which takes a few weeks), so luckily for Georgina they bypassed the meter. So until they sort it, it's free electricity for her.
Job Complete - Switchboard relocated
Georgina was very happy! She's now confident that her switchboard is fully functional, safe and meets the current Australian Standards.
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